To place an image inside a wiki page, simply enter the address (URL) of the image you want to include. For example, the URL
displays in the text as

All URLs ending in .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png are automatically treated as image placeholders in
PmWiki. The position of the image URL in a line determines how it will display in the page:
- an image URL at the beginning of a line displays the image at the left margin with text wrapped to the right
- an image URL at the end of a line displays the image at the right margin with text wrapped to the left
- an image URL in the middle of a line displays the image in line with the text
- an image URL on a line by itself is displayed by itself
The special markup
can be used to tell PmWiki to skip to a point below any floating images.
Images must be stored on a webserver somewhere in order to be displayed in PmWiki. If the system has been configured to enable
uploads, then you can upload an image as a page attachment and include it using the
markup. Otherwise,
HowToUploadImages? describes the process of uploading images to a webserver.

Images may be specified as the target of a link using the double brackets markup by specifying an image URL as the text for a link (see
LinksToExternalPages). For example, the image to the right of this paragraph is a link to the Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches page produced by this markup :
You can also use
WikiStyles to scale the image to a different width and/or height; for example, to scale an image to 40 pixels high you can add
in front of the image URL and
after the URL. Note that the scaling is performed within the browser, thus transfer times are not reduced.
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